80/20 RULE

80/20 RULE


80/20 RULE

The Pareto principle, better known as the 80/20 rule, states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

In short, a minority of your tasks will produce the majority of your success.

This is where tracking comes in handy. You should spend the time tracking your efforts and the results. Armed with the data you can identify which efforts have the most effect on your success, and then double down on those while cutting out the others that fail to have an impact.

Hint: your largest effect will come from writing. 

However, maybe you cannot spend your entire day writing. Perhaps you hit a wall after three hours of dedicated focus per day. At that point it is time to switch to your other tasks, such as marketing.

Now this comes back to tracking. You cannot know which marketing effort has the greatest effect without tracking. Maybe writing a detailed weekly newsletter will increase sales the most by keeping your fans dedicated to you and your brand of books. Maybe paying for ads on another platform. 

Track it all and then make informed decisions.


This came about as a journal to myself. This is a series of tough love lessons that helped me on my own journey as an author.

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Struggling to make your writing dream a reality?
Can’t find the fire inside to finish that book?
Worried no one will want to read your book?

It’s time you Slay Your Dragon!
This is not another craft book. Or yet another, writer, writing about writing.
Slay Your Dragon: a Motivational Guide for Writers is a series of daily meditations from Nicholi A.K. Baldron.
This book was produced using his own personal journal of tough love feedback to himself.
Follow along and see what he told himself to become an international bestseller in Fantasy and Mystery.

WARNING: This book is not intended for those with a sensitive disposition, there are several other excellent books that are less blunt. Instead, I have published this for fellow authors like myself, who need to be called out for their possible hubris and sometimes thick-headed nature.

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