It is normal to feel anger, but it offers little value to your life. Acknowledge its existence and use it as fuel to change. 

Anger is a byproduct of reality not meeting your expectations. Either change your expectations moving forward, or adjust your behaviors to result in the outcome you desired.

If you are angry at another person identify first if that person matters to you. Are they someone you want to have in your life? If not, why waste your mental efforts thinking about them? If you ruminate on feelings of anger toward them, you only perpetuate the wrongs done to you. Move forward with your own journey and ignore stupid people.

On the other hand, if you are angry at the person you want in your life, recall why you want them in your life. Recall the love you have toward that person, and realize that to err is human. If the situation happens a second time, take time to calm yourself and then address the matter with the person. Be sure to express how you feel and think about the situation, but do not under any circumstance attack them or accuse them of acting out of malice. That way lies the ruin of your relationship.

Recall that you are human too, and thus you will transgress against those you love out of ignorance. Provide the compassion to those you love, as you hope they will provide you during your transgressions.


This came about as a journal to myself. This is a series of tough love lessons that helped me on my own journey as an author.

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Struggling to make your writing dream a reality?
Can’t find the fire inside to finish that book?
Worried no one will want to read your book?

It’s time you Slay Your Dragon!
This is not another craft book. Or yet another, writer, writing about writing.
Slay Your Dragon: a Motivational Guide for Writers is a series of daily meditations from Nicholi A.K. Baldron.
This book was produced using his own personal journal of tough love feedback to himself.
Follow along and see what he told himself to become an international bestseller in Fantasy and Mystery.

WARNING: This book is not intended for those with a sensitive disposition, there are several other excellent books that are less blunt. Instead, I have published this for fellow authors like myself, who need to be called out for their possible hubris and sometimes thick-headed nature.

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